Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jazz Chant (Pandora's box) - Carlo Montalbo

In the peace of days when man was innocent
When animals and plants were very effervescent
When spirits are pure, deities are just
Chaos was brought On this land was cast

There was a man
There was a man?
There was a man names Epimetheus
He was created by the deities
He was good, he was smart, he was dominant all around
But he's alone, alone, alone, alone

But not for long, but not for long

part I- Epimetheus Dilemma

Epimetheus: The light seems unending
Everything seems fine
All things are perfect and all of them are mine
But what this I'm feeling?
I am blank like a slate
I don't feel anything now
As if this is fate

Good Spirits: Is everything fine?
Epimetheus: Yes everything is fine
Good Spirits: But why are you so sad?
Epimetheus: I am not sad
Good Spirits: Is everything fine?
Your face shows like you're mad

Epimetheus: Is that so good spirits? What do you think I'll do?
Good Spirits: We known we'll do: we know what you're in through

Part II- Deities conversation

Good Spirits: Gods and Goddesses Epimetheus seems so lonely
His heart seems broken
We know what'll make him happy

Deities: You know what'll make him happy?
We are the Gods, we are the deities, we are powerful
We are almighty
We know what he wants, a lovely mate, a perfect person
When he awakes

Out of clay I will make this person's body
With fabrics I will make her look so pretty
I'll grant her beauty as bright as the sun
I'll give her voice that'll be second to none
I'll teach her to garden to nourish Epimetheus
With this pearl necklace she'll look mysterious

Good Spirits: What beauty what grace this lady seems to be
Epimetheus will be thrilled
Thrilled to see this lady

Deities Pandora is your name
The bride of Epimetheus
You'll love and grow together with each other be cautious

Wait Pandora we almost forgot
We'll give you this though it's not a lot
It's a box that has everything in it
There's a consequence if you open it

Pandora: If I open it?

Deities: Yes if you open it
All things, will be changed

Part III- Epimetheus and Pandora together

On the sight of Pandora Epimetheus was thrilled
But perfection has price, a price must be filled
Epimetheus and Pandora lived happily for a while
Enjoyed paradise for every single mile

But one faithful day, when Pandora was struck
Struck by curiosity brought by a box

Pandora: Epimetheus, Epimetheus there is nothing left to do
I'll open this gift that'll make our world change too..

Epimetheus: Change to what Pandora?
Pandora: Change to this (Pandora opening the box)

The evil spirits released, brought baleful spirits
Upon the tribes of men
Who lived free from illness and hard toil
Now in misery men grow old quickly

Evil Spirits: From the vast expanse of the deep pit's darkness
From the heat of the flames that burnt our skin
We are back from netherworld
We this paradise we will destroy
With naive little people they will do our bidding

Part IV. The battle between Good and Evil Spirits.

Evil Spirits: You should dominate over all
Good Spirits: No you should not
Evil Spirits: You must have it all
Good Spirits: All is over rated
Evil Spirits: You should destroy, kill time and do worthless things
Good Spirits: no no no
Evil Spirits: We are free we are not bound by laws
Good Spirits: But laws are laws

Evil Spirits: The Earth is just Earth just use it all
The seas are just water that can't damage you at all
The plants and animals there are plenty to spare
You are boss; you're the master and the heir

Good Spirits: Don't listen dear humans they are just fooling you
You must care, you must respect in what you're gonna do
Compassion is your gift, use it wisely
Or else you'll end up lost like a fly on a lily

Goo Spirits: You should love
Evil Spirits: You should hate
Good Spirits: Don't confuse them
Evil Spirits: You are fools
Good Spirits: Let's settle this
Evil Spirits: Why not? And we'll see who will rule

(Zeus came down from Olympus)

In heat of battle a familiar face showed
He brought a box where evil was stored
He gave it to Pandora to try and open it
To release one last gift from this mischievous deity

Zeus: don't be afraid to make mistakes
Mistakes make you grow
They will help you and guide you
More than a friend you always known

As  time pass by and clouds fly over
The battle between good and evil seems to grow stronger
now when everything seems fine
As if we are standing on a thin line

A line which we cross every now and then
Struggling like a fool to know what is man
Is men pure good, pure evil or indifferent
This question as strong as an ongoing current

Pandora: I'll open this box with trust to a friend
I'll open this box with the hope of an end
I know what that greed had taken over me
I offer my heart this final gift I'll set free

Hope was released from the darkest of hours

How that was in the Pandora's Box
Set aside all difference as elusive as a fox
Every man every spirit seems as happy as ever
With the balance that was set and will last forever

Happy Halloween

Keep your cool guys. Happy Halloween! :D

Saturday, October 30, 2010

In the University. UST.

First of all, I did not imagine myself entering UST in college. It’s just far from my father’s view for me to be in DLSU (since grade school). However, there’s no turning back. Not that I am now in my almost last year inside the university as an undergraduate.

I am a student of Medical Technology under the Faculty of Pharmacy. It’s a course where you have to study a lot of Chemistry and when I say a lot, it’s a lot. It’s crazy. I have been struggling my Chemistry ever since and I’m so happy not because I get good grades but I’m passing the course. Don’t ask further. :D

Well, UST right? So leave the Chemistry alone. The University of Santo Tomas caters not only quality education but it is also a place where you can just look around and be with future professionals, leaders. A good place to be.

It’s a place where everybody is in different uniforms (just like in real life). White for the Science-related courses, corporate for the Businesses, etc. PS: There are even uniforms which I cannot explain.

The University can sometimes be mistaken as a park or a church. A lot more as a church. That is not actually a church. Yes, there’s a church inside the university but that cross that you can see in the picture below is the Main Building. It’s where Civil law, Science (Physics, Psychology, Biology etc.) and Pharmacy (Including Med Tech and Bio Chem) held its classes.

There a also a lot of events that UST celebrate. We have the annual Welcome Walk in which we welcome new students in the university. The celebration is literally a walk around the university and passing the Arch of Centuries.

Here, take a look at the Arch. (It is believed that you are not supposed to enter/exit that Arch in between the course of your study or else you will be sent out of the university)

At night of that celebration, we have a Thomasian welcome party concert that usually starts with a Mass and ends with music.

We also have an annual Paskuhan that marks the start of Christmas holiday. What to expect during Paskuhan? Raffles and Fireworks. I don’t know but it’s really fun hanging around with thousands and thousands of Thomasians in the field. (We really don’t care what’s going on at the stage, we just talk to the people we are with.) Here’s a glimpse!

I don’t know why I thought of it (UST) to be my first story or maybe my mind is telling me something eh? I don’t know if it helped you know UST more or if it convinced you to study there but I hope so..

I have any things to share about UST but unless you are there you might not understand.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Hello there.

This is my first text post that I intend to share. Well, not really. I just passed by a couple of blogs and thought that it would be cool to make one. Cool not for you, maybe too but I want to keep track of what’s happening in my life now until the last day that I can still be able to blog. If you want to stay tuned with my journey, hello. Hello there.